Woodgrain’s Safety Week

One of Woodgrain’s traditions is to have two weeks per year that we celebrate Safety. It is meant to be a fun week where we recharge our safety batteries and recommit ourselves to being safe and keeping our facilities in top condition. We give an extra focus on Safety and make sure that everyone understands that Safety

Safety Above All

Safety Above All Safety is a top priority at Woodgrain. We value our biggest asset – our employees. The manufacturing industry can be dangerous, so we go above and beyond taking precautions that protect our staff. Safety stands before anything else we do; it’s so important that our company motto is SAFETY ABOVE ALL. Safety

Safety in the Workplace

Are you doing your part to contribute to a safe, healthy and responsible working environment?Did you know?1 One worker dies every 15 seconds Over 2.3 million deaths occur due to occupational accidents or diseases 160 million workers suffer from work-related illnesses 4% of the world’s GDP is lost through work-related death, injury or sickness The