How To Get The Most Satisfying Clean For Your Moulding

The Most Satisfying Clean for Your Moulding:

No matter how much you vacuum your floors, wash your windows or clean your countertops, dirty moulding is an eye sore. There is something about clean moulding that just makes any room look brand new again. This might seem like no easy task, but by following these four easy steps, you will not only clean your moulding, but prevent dirt from resting there in the first place!  


  • Broom/Vacuum
  • Cleaning Solution (Anything BUT bleach)
  • Sponge/Washcloth
  • Toothbrush/Q-tips
  • Dryer Sheets

Follow these 4 easy steps to get the most satisfying clean:

Step 1: Vacuum

Using a broom and vacuum (or brush attachment), clean dust and dirt from your moulding. 

Step 2: Wipe

Using your cleaning solution, wipe away grime and gunk from your baseboards with a washcloth or a sponge. Dirt and grime can collect in areas of your home, such as in your mudroom, laundry room and the kitchen. 

Step 3: Deep clean
Using a toothbrush and some cotton swabs, use your solution to get a better clean in all of the nooks and crannies.

Step 4: Prevent dirt from clinging to the boards

By rubbing a dryer sheet on your moulding, you can prevent dirt from clinging to the boards by reducing the static that attracts dust and dirt.

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