Finished Elegance
At Woodgrain we believe the best homes are created with quality and longevity in mind. We collaborated with Eastman Cerfis to create a high-quality, long-lasting moulding solution with a premium appearance and finish. It is easy and quick to install, with a durable coating that holds up over time.

Flawless Finish For Your Interior Space
Finished Elegance is a practical solution to achieve a durable, flawless finish for your interior space. Finished Elegance can be installed in three easy steps: just cut, install, and caulk. Perfect cuts line up every time and no painting is required!
Not only is Finished Elegance easy to use and stunning to see, it stands up to even the harshest wear and tear, offering superior resistance to scratching, marring, dents, moisture, and splitting.

Measure and cut product to length with a finish saw blade.

Install product using a nail gun.

Caulk seams and nail holes.

Budget vs. Value
Most moulding falls into two categories: budget and value. Moulding is something you live with everyday, so why settle for products that result in more issues than benefits? Choose Finished Elegance for a long term and high quality solution for your moulding needs.